Digital Innovation Lab is the union of several european universities developing an app able of measuring the level of universal design of content produced by teachers in HE institutions.
The pandemic has revealed a number of important shortcomings in instructional design, teaching methodologies and student assessment. Higher education institutions have long been seen as the source of all knowledge. Teachers are responsible for transmitting this knowledge to students so that they can achieve the learning objectives they set for themselves. This requires a proactive approach, anticipating changes in higher education and adapting to them if necessary.
- University of Murcia
- University of La Rioja
- Lut University
- Masaryk University
- University of Groningen
- University of Rome “Foro Italico”
- Acrosslimits LTD
University of Murcia
The University of Murcia (UMU) has eight scientific areas, six Institutes of Research and over 300 Research Groups, with 2500 lecturers/researchers and 1200 administration staff. It offers 54 Degree, 68 Master’s Degree and 35 Doctoral programmes, some of which offer the possibility to pursue a dual degree with partner universities from Europe and Latin America.
With more than 25 years of experience, both the International Office and the Research Office OPERUM are very active and have extensive experience in hosting European and international cooperation and research projects and promoting research excellence. Regarding mobility, UMU has signed agreements with over 900 universities around the world. The quality of UMU Faculties has been tried and tested by the most important certifications: the Faculty of Education (ECA Certificate for Quality in Internationalization ); Veterinary (EQAS-Food Award Accreditation); Biology and Computer Sciences (EQANIE). The International Office holds the EFQM seal for Quality Management Systems. DIGITAL UNIVERSITY. UMU is a pioneer university and leader in the Spanish University System in the implementation of e-administration offering a wide range of digital services and with well-defined strategies.
UMU is the university in Spain with the second largest number of students with disabilities. Through its Diversity and Volunteering Service, the University participates in the ‘Inclusive Campus‘ Program financed by the Spanish Government and another public and private institutions. UMU is strongly committed to sustainable development through the initiative “ODSesiones”, a project to promote and raise awareness about the 17UN Sustainable Development Goals, and through its “Campus Sostenible” programme. The Entrepreneurship office “UMUemprende“ favours the creation of companies based on applications of scientific or technological research and knowledge results (spinoffs).
University of la Rioja
The University of La Rioja (UR), was created on May 14th 1992 and inaugurated in the academic year 19921993. It is the only public University in the autonomous community of La Rioja in the north of Spain. As such, it belongs to the G9 group of Universities in Spain. It is also a founding member of the Excellence Campus Iberus.
Over these years, the UR has consolidated its role within higher education, research, innovation, knowledge generation and transmission. It has over 20.000 graduates and postgraduates with a special note for its 600 doctors in the different areas of knowledge. It is made up of an Institute of Masters and Doctoral Studies, a Centre for Foreign Languages and an Institute for the Study of Wine and Winemaking sciences (ICVV), whose coordination is shared with the Government of La Rioja and the CSIC (National Centre for Research).
The UR is divided into four Faculties and two professional schools, which teach 19 degrees within the European Higher Education Area. Additionally, it offers official Masters Studies and several doctorates and life-long learning courses and other initiatives related to learning in higher education. It has vigorous activity with over 800 agreements with companies, other universities in Spain and overseas, and public institutions from the region and the whole country, associations, etc. These agreements allow for internships, mobility, research stays. All these give the UR an international and diverse touch. It is a modern, young and very active university that features a close, flexible, and updated higher education institution.
Lut University
The LUT University is a pioneering science university in Finland, bringing together the fields of science and business since 1969. LUT has outstanding feature of successfully integrating expertise in technology and business. Our international community is composed of approximately 6,500 students and experts engaged in scientific research and academic education. LUT University has a working community of approximately 1000 staff members.
We produce problem solvers, and provide solutions to global environmental and economic challenges. We focus on demanding topical issues, such as the mitigation of climate change and the continuous availability of clean water and energy. Our expertise in energy is reflected in our Green Campus, a unique research and study environment, where the university’s expertise in energy as well as its own innovations are put to practical use. This allows us to set an example on how science and technology can be used to solve environmental problems. On this campus, we can build a world the way we think it should be because it is our way of thinking and operating, allowing us to utilize interdisciplinary research and teaching activities innovatively to reduce environmental load.
In research we are an important player in the digital knowledge economy and the leading research community in the domain of international, sustainable growth entrepreneurship.
Masaryk University
The Masaryk University (MU) has long been striving to develop the quality of teaching and education. One of the tools used for this purpose is the Centre for the Development of Pedagogical Competences (CERPEK). This centre aims to systematically raise the level of pedagogical competences, especially of beginning university teachers. The Centre was established as part of the MUNI 4.0 project, offering one educational programme – Development of Pedagogical Competences. It is developing prospectively, implementing new projects and constantly expanding its offer. The Support Centre for Students with Special Needs (Teiresias Centre) has been an office of the Rectorate at Masaryk University since the year 2000.
The Centre’s primary task is to provide maximum accessibility to all accredited degree programmes at the University for the visually impaired, the deaf and hearing impaired, people with limited or restricted mobility and people with other types of disabilities. In the University’s organizational structure, the Centre is one of the offices at the Rectorate to be concerned with student issues, along with the Office for Studies and Office for Student Welfare. The Centre also coordinates the lifelong education programme for the blind.
This programme’s objective is to allow the blind, regardless of age or social status, to enhance their education in accredited subjects. It is an educational centre with a variety of instruction – its courses supplement or substitute regular tuition and/or lifelong education courses; all courses take place on MU premises assigned to students with disabilities; lifelong education course participants have access to the same technological equipment and study materials as fulltime university students.
University of Groningen
The University of Groningen (36,000 students, 6100 staff) is an internationally oriented university with a rich academic tradition. Since the establishment in 1614, the university has brought forward striving academics, like the first female student, the first Dutch astronaut and various Nobel prize winners.
Geographically, the University is rooted in the Northern part of the Netherlands, a region very close to its heart. We connect education and research with sustainable and economic processes within society. This comes together in our three spearheads: Energy, Healthy Ageing en Sustainable Society.
University of Rome (“Foro Italico”)
The University of Rome “Foro Italico” is the only Italian and one of the few European vocational universities devoted to sports and movement. The University is the direct heir of the Italian Sports Academy, established in 1928, and it is located in the monumental area of Foro Italico in Rome. It was created in 1998 as Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie IUSM when it replaced Rome’s Istituto Superiore di Educazione Fisica (ISEF), whose activity had been focused on higher education for P.E. teachers. IUSM, now “Foro Italico University”, extended the ISEF’s scope to cover all the fields of interest related to human physical activity: scientific research, coaching for recreational sports and high-level competitive sports, teaching, fitness, re-education and rehabilitation, organization of sports events, management of sports facilities, etc. Teaching offerings include 1st and 2nd cycle programs and research-oriented doctoral programs. Teaching methods include lectures and practical work, as well as seminars and tutorials, where students play an active role.
Since 2000, when teacher training was entrusted exclusively to universities, the University of Rome “Foro Italico” has been responsible for high school Physical Education teachers and Inclusive Education programs.
Acrosslimits LTD
AcrossLimits is a dynamic maltese commercial entity with its roots firmly derived from the new technology and media sector. In fact, its core business is still centred around the areas of e-Business, Internet and Knowledge Management solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises. However, in the last years, AcrossLimits has diversified and is now made up of 3 main divisions: Technology, European projects, and Education.
AcrossLimits was established in June 2001 as a limited liability company, through its members already worked together before that date under a partnership agreement and, in fact, have been developing IT related systems since 1996. With representation offices in Italy, Spain, and Greece, AcrossLimits can provide various services relating to Information Technology, especially focusing on its three core areas: eLearning, eHealth, and Digital Culture.
During its 22 years lifetime, AcrossLimits has put together various projects that included eLearning platforms, quizzes, online games, and simulations to teach languages, sciences, and cultural traditions from a mix of open source and commercial software. AcrossLimits has different developers for both Unix/Linux and Windows platforms, which enables us to provide complete integration of various components, making us also strong in interoperability issues.